Saturday 8 October 2011


Pseudoscorpion attacking weaver ant
A pseudoscorpion, (also known as a false scorpion or book scorpion), is an arachnid belonging to the order Pseudoscorpionida,

also known as Pseudoscorpiones or Chelonethida.Pseudoscorpions are generally beneficial to humans since they prey on clothes moth larvae, carpet beetle larvae, booklice, ants, mites, and small flies. They are small and inoffensive, and are rarely seen due to their size.

Pseudoscorpions are small arachnids with a flat, pear-shaped body and pincers that resemble those of scorpions. They usually range from 2 to 8 millimetres (0.08 to 0.31 in) in length. The largest known species is Garypus titanius of Ascension Island at up to 12 mm. Source

Small and wingless, travel for pseudoscorpions from one food source to the next over long distances is no minor obstacle. Many species have managed to get around this hurdle by using insects, especially larger beetles, for transportation. Longhorn and scarab beetles unwittingly carry these tiny hitchhikers on their legs and underneath their wings without any ill effect.


  1. Wow, that photo of phoretic pseudoscorpions on the beetle, best!!

  2. Dear Mr. Yeo,

    I am a park ranger at Bryce Canyon National Park. I would like to show your beautiful photographs in an evening program. I would be happy to discuss conditions for showcasing your photos and will credit your photographs in my presentation. If you do not mind me using the photographs, then please do not worry about sending a reply. If I have not heard from you in ten days then I will assume that you have permitted me to use the photos under fair use guidelines for educational, non-profit purposes. You are welcome to contact me at or

    Thank you,

    Kate E. Pitts
